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Versione Italiana

1) Use of an mp3 player online for the streaming of emerging artists
2) Give more visibility to artists/bands
3) A new service for MN users
4) A web radio broadcasting only emerging artists (Talent Radio)
5) A web tv broadcasting only videos of emerging artists (MN tv)

1) By "band" we mean the music group or the only musician undersigning this document and requesting to take part in the MN project.
2) By "MN Music Network" we mean the people involved in "MN staff".
3) By "web radio" we mean the broadcasting of tracks for the streaming of online music
4) By "broadcast" we mean all actual tracks that can be listened, once uploaded on Talent Radio.
5) By "track" we mean one of the song presented or choosen to be part of the broadcast.

Conditions of participation:
1) The service is free.
2) The band can send to MN portal one or more tracks for which the same band is copyright owner.
3) The band can present one or more tracks to the attention of MN.
MN will choose at his own will one or more tracks to be included in Talent Radio broadcasting.
The tracks presented and not compatible with this document will be automatically rejected.
4) At the moment of the request of participation, the band must provide MN with all tracks and their titles and optionally the lyrics of every single track and a cover in .jpeg
5) Lyrics and titles of the tracks or of the album must not contain any offence towards existing persons, religion, ethnic race.
6) The band can ask the suspension of one or more tracks from the broadcasting, writing to and indicating the reasons.
7) MN reserves the righ to change this document without warning and is not obliged to inform the subscribers of this document about any change.
8) MN reserves the right to suspend at any moment and without warning the broadcasting of any track, in case it is not compatible with the rules of this document anymore.
9) MN reserves the right to suspend temporarily or permanently and without warning the Talent Radio project.
10) MN does not guarantee any minimum nor compulsory audience.
11) Because of the same nature of Talent Radio instrument, after some time MN may choose to suspend a track in order to renew the Player. This doesn't mean that a never broadcasted track cannot be included to replace the rejected one. However, MN reserves the right to suspend without warning the broadcasting of a track .
14) In case a track is rejected from the broadcasting, the band has the right to ask for the official reason writing to , indicating the name of the band, the title of the song and the name of the applicant.
15) The material sent and licensed to MN rests free from copyright ONLY concerning Music Network project.

16) MN states not to make over, print, sell, make uploadable nor distribute to third persons the material sent by the artists.

17) The material sent will not be returned.
Talent Radio
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